7he Code all Solutions:
Click any of the Links below to get started.
7he Code Stage 1:
7he Code Room 1: Easy start
7he Code Room 2: The cake is a lie
7he Code Room 3: Mathematical wizard
7he Code Room 4: Pipes
7he Code Room 5: Three of a kind
7he Code Room 6: Pillars
7he Code Stage 2:
7he Code Room 7: Move it
7he Code Room 8: The cube
7he Code Room 9: King of the hill
7he Code Room 10: The maze
7he Code Room 11: On top
7he Code Room 12: Upward spiral
7he Code Stage 3:
7he Code Room 13: Light-code
7he Code Room 14: Where's the code?
7he Code Room 15: Portal
7he Code Room 16: Which is right?
7he Code Room 17: Parcour
7he Code Room 18: Think outside the box